Unlike other universities, the educational and research organizations at University of Tsukuba are independent of each other, and while maintaining their own individuality, they work together to revitalize the university’s mission of education and research.
Students belong to educational organizations called “School” or “College”. In the case of Physical Education, it is necessary to provide specialized education with a clear purpose from an early stage, so there is a single “School” of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences without College organizations. When students in the School of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences advance to their second year, they choose one of the following as their main major according to their interests and concerns: health and sports education, health and sports management, or sports coaching. There, they will continue to study more specialized subjects.
The academic staffs belong to research organizations called “Institute”. In the field of Physical Education, there is a single institute called the Institute of Health and Sport Sciences. The Institute of Health and Sport Sciences is further divided into three main fields: Physical Education and Sport Studies, Health and Human Performance Studies, and Coaching Studies. All academic staffs belong to one of these main fields and conduct specialized research in their respective fields. At the same time, they are also in charge of classes at the undergraduate and graduate schools.

Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
The Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences started in 2001, and was reorganized and restructured into a classified doctoral program in 2008. There are eight fields of study related to physical education and sports science: the Master’s Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, the Master’s Program in Sport and Health System Management, the Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, the Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine, the Doctoral Program in Coaching Science, the Doctoral Program in Human Care Science, the Master’s Program in Education, and the Doctoral Program in Education.